wikipedia as moe anime girl
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romanian learning dictionary dot com, (english to romanian/romanian verbs that conjugates for you, which may or may not be broken)

livelingua/project/peace-corps/romaniandon't really know what it offers for free yet, but it seems to have a lot of resources

dozaanimata watch shows in romanian, some dubs i hope. seems really good, i learned a bit from sailor moon

lingohut/learn-romanian my bf hates the robotic voice and it's been messing with my pronounciation, so don' t learn to pronounce via the robot, but it has been INCREDIBLY helpful for me and he had no other issues. he watches me use this to speedrun my romanian lol

globse/en/ro another dictionary i love messing around with tbh

my fave romanian songs another good way to learn/practice is MUSIC! my goal was to learn as much vocab as possible so i looked up romanian rap lol, but of course i branched out other genres. it helped a lot with my pronounciation, actually. and it speeds it up if you conciously try to summarize what the song is. (i hope i do not end up sounding like a deliquent for the rap LOL)

ELaC Romanian Resource List randomly found this on tumblr, langblr (language learning community on tumblr) saves the day once again

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